En collaboration avec RABAD, le Réseau bruxellois pour la nutrition durable, FoodWIN a organisé un atelier bilingue où des représentants d’organisations inspirantes travaillant dans le domaine de la nourriture ont été réunis pour partager leur vision et leurs idées.

Together with RABAD, the Brussels Network for Sustainable Nutrition, FoodWIN organised a bilingual workshop where representatives from inspirational organisations working with food were brought together to share their vision and insights.

The city of Bruges brought in a medical perspective. They intensively work with FoodWIN to reduce food waste in four health care centers. Together, we have conducted a baseline measurement, innovation workshops, pilot projects and shared best practices to reduce food waste in hospitals and care centers.

The entrepreneurs were first invited to elaborate on their initiatives in the light of food waste. Among the guests was Joséphine from Good Food Strategy, who presented how Leefmilieu Brussel/Bruxelles environnement is working towards making the food production and consumption in Brussels sustainable along the whole supply chain. Part of this is developing tools to reduce food waste.

A group of local innovators presented how they turn food waste into a quality food product, like Siel who makes burgers from leftover bread and fruit under the name of ‘Re-Burger.
Re-fruit on the other hand, takes fruit and vegetables from farmers that don’t make the cut into the regular supply chain, only for not attaining cosmetic standards. The project of Dream collects unsold food from the market in Brussels, and donates it to movements working to provide food for Brussels’ inhabitants in need. Eatmosphere offers a whole array of activities that show the grand public that fruit and vegetables declared unfit for consumption are actually perfectly edible and delicious.
And lastly, (but not leastly), the team from Beerfood makes crackers out of spent grain. Their salty snacks tickled everyone’s taste buds during the network mingle later that day.

Afterwards, everyone was invited to participate in round table discussions on food security, marketing, logistics and big volumes in the context of food waste. From their unique business perspective, all participants highlighted different problems and solutions.

In response to a request from Refresh, Rabad is organising a meeting with the members of FAVV (food security). During this meeting they want to delve into problems dealing with the current regulatory norms and available tools to meet food security requirements. To prepare this meeting, they welcome any questions at before 31/01/2018.