Carolyn Steel is a leading thinker on food and cities, as she demonstrates in her new book Sitopia.
At the Food Waste Fest 2020, she talked about how food shapes our lives in many ways that we’re not aware of.
We went from being food producers to food consumers, but is this really progress if it’s making us fat and sick?
Carolyn argues that we need to work together to revalue food if we want to solve the major crises facing our society.

And if you want to learn more about Carolyn’s ideas: put “Sitopia” up on your bookshelf!

Carolyn Steel’s keynote is part of the Digital Food Waste Fest. Check out all other keynotes and webinars on

The Digital Food Waste Fest 2.020 was organised by the Flemish Food Supply Chain Platform for Food Loss, Interreg NWE Food Heroes & FoodWIN.